**Please note: not all clinical staff perform each service. Feel free to reach out to our Practice Owner, Lindsay, at lboudreau@elementalintuition.com about which clinicians may fit your needs best.
While Lindsay is actively trying to hire new clinicians, she is only providing individual therapy at this time.
Individual Therapy
The heart of the practice at Elemental Intuition is individual therapy. Together, you and your therapist will co-create a care plan to address immediate and longer-term therapeutic goals. Sessions last a full hour to allow time to thoroughly explore your unique story each session. Our clinicians are experienced in a variety of modalities, including bringing mindfulness and expressive arts into our meetings to facilitate multidimensional care, healing, and wellness.
Individual sessions are held on a weekly basis in the initial phases of treatment but can move to twice a month or monthly in consultation with your clinician.
Initial Evaluation: $160
Ongoing Sessions: $130
Couples Therapy
Couples in all relationship stages can benefit from learning how to deeply communicate and hear one another, particularly if there is a mental or physical health condition. Our clinicians utilize CBT, nonviolent communication, narrative, and other approaches to heal together. You will work with your therapist to collaboratively develop goals and activities to complete once the session is over. Sessions last between 75 to 90 minutes. Weekly or biweekly sessions are available.
Note: not all insurances pay for couples therapy. Please check with your insurance for coverage. There are no sliding scale/scholarship slots for couples therapy.
Initial evaluation: $175
Ongoing sessions: $150
Group Therapy
In a world fraught with disconnection, group therapy can reduce isolation. While there are no scheduled groups at this time, check back frequently for any updates. If you receive individual therapy services at Elemental Intuition, you do not need to complete an additional evaluation. Participants with a therapist outside of the practice must complete an initial evaluation with the group therapist. If your insurance does not cover group therapy sessions, you will have to pay out of pocket for the group sessions. Groups last 1.5 hours.
Initial evaluation: $175
Ongoing sessions: $50
Peer Support and Recovery Coaching Services
Peer support increasingly is being performed by trained Certified Peer Specialists and Recovery Coaches. Peer specialists have lived experience with trauma, substance use, and various mental health experiences. You may have had wounding experiences seeking mental health services in the past. While our clinical staff have all been carefully selected for their commitment to anti-racist, anti-oppressive, and pro-LGBTQQIA+ commitments, there are inherent power differences with your clinician or prescriber. Peer staff are able to share their experiences with you to reduce those power differentials. While peer staff need to use bare-bones documentation, your conversations with our peer staff are not documented in the same way that clinical staff need to document your progress. Peer staff may also co-lead groups with clinical staff but will not be responsible for documentation of those sessions.
Peer support is a vital service in our practice, as we strive to make wellness a down-to-earth practice. Our vision is to eliminate mental health stigma by creating awareness of, appreciation for, and acceptance of mental health self-care. We are a growing fun, dynamic, and collaborative team who values working together to improve the health and wellness of our communities across Massachusetts.
$35 per indvidual per hour.
Insurance can be used by Tufts Health Direct (MassHealth) clients only.
Sliding scale available upon consultation with Peer Director and Program Owner.
Clinical Supervision and Consultation
Clinical supervision for social workers or mental health counselors seeking independent licensure:
Individual supervision: $75 per hour
Group supervision: $30 per person (1.5 hours; 3 person minimum)​​
Consultation services are available to independently licensed practitioners via individual or group peer consultation:
Individual consultation: $100 per hour
Group consultation: $50 per person (1.5 hours; 3 person minimum)